Accessible IT Training and Support
Learn how to use an iPad, tablet or smartphone. Alternatively, learn to use an accessible computer or learn how to make your computer accessible. If you already have some experience with technology but would like to learn more, we can also help you with that.
We can offer training or problem solving in your home. We can provide assistance with using a phone, sending a text message or email. We can help you with shopping online, for instance ordering your weekly food shopping from your tablet. Our staff and volunteers have been trained in accessible technology to assist you with the ever-increasing availability of technology available to visually impaired people.
We also have IT workshops in our centre, which is supplied with a wide range of assistive software. These are on Mondays from 1pm to 3pm.
We have a mobile phone workshop on the second Tuesday of each month from 12:30pm to 2pm.
If you have an IT problem or would like to join a workshop, call Mark or Matthew on 020 8540 5446.