Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services
MertonVision employs a qualified Vision Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS).
Merton Vision has a contract with London Borough of Merton Social Services to provide rehabilitation and mobility training for people with a visual impairment in Merton. The Rehabilitation Officer who is employed by Merton Vision carries out assessments and visual impairment registration on behalf of Social Services. Other specialist workers may also refer people to the Rehabilitation Officer if they feel that specific input is required.
The Rehabilitation Officer may offer general information, or practical advice regarding your sight loss. You may need help with aspects of confidence development, mobility, communication and daily living in and out of the home. The Rehabilitation Officer may advise on equipment or services which are available to you. You may also be offered training, usually carried out on a one-to-one basis in the home environment, in the areas of reading and writing, getting around inside and outside, low vision and daily living skills.
Merton Vision also have a contract with London Borough of Merton Social Services Children’s Division and Special Educational Needs Team to provide mobility and independence training for children in the borough who have a visual impairment. We also carry out vision Accessible Audits within schools to ensure Merton Schools are accessible for children with a visual impairment.